Indigenous Health and Well-Being -Blog #01- By DrAmna Sohail

Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

There are many complex and inter-related factors which affect the health and well-being of individuals and the community. Some of these are individual characteristics that we inherit, and our own behaviors and coping abilities. Other significant factors come from our families, neighborhood, culture and society as a whole.

The most influential factors affecting well-being as:

• Income and socioeconomic position 
• Culture and kinship 
• Education and training 
• Employment and working conditions
 • Physical environment
 • Social support networks
 • Early life factors

 • Individual behaviors and lifestyle factors
 • Access to effective human services
 • Biological factors and genetic inheritance.
Such factors determine the health and wellbeing of individuals and consequently determine the well-being of a community. 

When people talk about Health Improvement they often talk about the "River Story" trying to help people when they are already ill can be really difficult, and often not very successful, but if you can get to them sooner, and help them improve their health, they may not get ill in the first place. That way you can help many more people.
This is called "Prevention". A key to Health & Well-Being".
Written By
DrAmna Sohail


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